Thursday, August 30, 2018


Venus of Willendorf is also referred to as Woman of Willendorf or Nude Woman. She is a female figurine found in 1908 at Willendorf, Austria. It was not made in willendorf. The head is missing a face and other  features and only consists of a braid-like pattern. The hands and feet are missing as well. It is thought that she is a fertility figure, known for good luck, and as a mother goddess. I think this is a cool sculpture bc It is missing the main things people have but yet you can still elk it’s a women. 

Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf is a figurine of a nude woman. It said to be made of oolitic limestone tinted with red ochre pigment. The statue is dated between 20,000-25,000 BC. The statue of the head has a patterned braid or cap but there are no facial features. The statue also has enlarged breast with a protruding belly. It is said that the statue is a fertility figure which may have signified abundance. In my opinion it may have represented a problem with obesity. 
Venus of Willendorf was founded on August 7, 1908 by Johann Vernan at a site near Willendorf, a village in lower Austria. It is about 4 inches tall and is carved from oolitic limestone. You can find the statue in Naturhishistorisches in Vienna, Austria. It is believed to have been carved during the "Old Stone Age." In 2009, researchers estimated that the age of the archeological layer that the statue was found in was about 30,000 years ago, meaning that it would have been carved somewhere between 28,000 and 25,000 BCE.

Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf, also known as the Nude Woman, is considered an artifact of Paleolithic art originating from Willendorf, Austria. It is only a little over four inches in size, making it portable for the nomads. The Venus of Willendorf has a large stomach, thighs, buttocks, and short bent knees. There is controversy over whether or not it is symbolic for women being seen as objects rather than people with a display of a faceless face or if it was named in relation to the Roman goddess Venus which represents beauty.

Venus of Willendorf

Image result for venus of willendorf facts
Venus of Willendorf is also called Woman of Willendorf or Nude Woman. It is a small statuette that is about 4.5 inches high. Although it was found in Willendorf, Austria and consequently named after the Austrian town it is believed that it was made elsewhere and carried to Willendorf because of its portable size and the actual material it is made out of not being found there. People believe that it is a fertility figure, good-luck totem, a mother goddess symbol, or an aphrodisiac for men to appreciate.

Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf piece was created between 25,000 – 20,000 B.C. This is a statue of a female and portrays the “abundance” of a women. This statue was discovered August 7th, 1908 in Australia. The piece is made of limestone tinted with red ochre. It is believed that this figure was a totem or good luck charm to its owner. I find it fascinating that the figure has no face, hands or feet. 

Venus of Willendorf

Venus of Willendorf was discovered in 1908. However, its estimated origin goes all the way back to 30,000 BCE. The statue is not large, standing at just 4.4 inches tall but even at its small size can hold a lot of meaning behind it. There are only theories as too the meaning however, it is clear that the statue has something to do with women or fertility. Some people believe that the statue is supposed to be what a women sees when she looks down at herself since that is the only way a women could look at herself thirty thousand years ago.  The statue also lacks feet and the only way it can stand and support itself would be by placing in on a soft ground that it can sink into.

Venus of Willendorf

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Venus of Willendorf is a female figurine dated 30,000 to 25,000 BC. The statue is made out of oolitic limestone and is colored with red orche. The woman is faceless with a large stomach and breasts, as well as hair braided in seven circles. This figure could be used to symbolize a Goddess, a symbol of fertility, or even as a symbol of good luck for men to carry with them when they went out hunting. The facelessness of the figure adds mystery suggesting it is more an important object then a specific person. The braided hair in seven circles also symbolizes good luck because the number seven in those times was thought to be a magic number.

Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf is a famous artifact which was discovered in a small Austrian village. While it may look like a large piece, it is actually just under 4.5 inches. There is no definitive proof, however, it is believed that this tiny sculpture was created during 24,000 B.C.E.. The most detailed things of this figurines body are the breasts and genitalia. Due to this, many believe this piece is based around child bearing and reproduction.

Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf, also known as the Woman of Willendorf or Nude Woman, is a statuette found in Willdendorf, Austria, in 1908. Made of oolitic limestone and tinted with a red pigment, the Venus of Willendor was only four inches high and very transportable. These 'features' indicate that she was not constructed within Willendorf, because the statues materials were not found in that city. This sculpture is very perplexing because there are no facial features, no feet, and the body represents one of a heavy set woman. The Venus of Willendorf is believed to have many different meanings varying from a good-luck totem to a symbol of a motherly goddess. I like the mystery behind this statue on not only where she was constructed, but what she represents.

Venus of Willendorf

The “Venus of Willendorf” also known as the Nude Woman is a statue found in Austria.  It is made of oolitic limestone tinted with red ochre pigment.  It is fascinating that this statue is dated back to 28000-25000 BCE.  I like the color that the statue is but personably would not want to own this or have it in my home.  The whole statue is interesting in a weird way.   

Venus of Willendorf

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 Although Venus of Willendorf was created in 25,000-20,000 BC, themes shown in the sculpture mimic those seen throughout history. The sculpture portrays an overweight woman with large breasts, no facial features and small feet with no ankles. Larger women were seen as a figure of wealth and well being throughout many ancient cultures, as being skinnier may indicate malnutrition and sickness. Smaller feet were also seen as a signal of wealth in ancient China, where the practice of foot binding was popular. It is believed that this statue was a signal of fertility and abundance when it was created, but the themes portrayed may apply to those popular throughout different historical periods. 

Venus of Willendorf

The statuette the Venus of Willendorf is a figurine that was found in Willendorf, Austria back in 1908. It was 4 inches high and was made of limestone and covered with red pigment that can be dated back to 28,000-25,000 BCE. This figurine was in the shape of a women's body although it has no facial features or feet. It has been said it symbolizes fertility and is a good luck totem. There are a lot of theories on this sculpture about why it was made and who the woman is that it was based on, but no one really knows the full story behind it.

Venous of Willendorf

The "Venous of Willedendorf" is the name that was given to a female figurine that was found in 1908 by an archeologist named Joseph Szombathy. The figurine is also called Woman of Willendorf or Nude women.The figurine is a well crafted sculpture of a naked obese woman from the stone age. The stone used are  made of oolitic limestone. The feet are rendered as very small , with no indications of ankles. It was suggested that the woman is a fertility figure, a good luck totem, a mother goddess symbol, or an aphrodisiac made by men for the appreciation of men.

Venus of Willendorf

Venus of Wilendorf is also know as Women of Wilendorf or Nude Women and was found in 1908 in Wilendorf, Austria.  This small statue is made of oolitic limestone tinted with red ochre pigment. It is referred to as a Venus figurine because it has been said that she is a fertility figure, a good luck totem or a mother goddess symbol. The Venus reference is just metaphorical due to the fact that the figurine predates the mythological Venus. This is why some people chose to leave out Venus when addressing her.

Venus of Willendorf

The sculpture, Venus of Willendorf is an interesting representation of humanity and the female body. As with many eras, art and sculpture portray similar themes and ideas. Venus of Willendorf sculpture was made 25,000-20,000 years ago, and it’s interesting to see how art was portrayed then. The sculpture doesn’t show any details such as a face or anything geometrically proportioned, but instead emphasizes the women’s breasts. It is interesting to see the use of all the spheres to create the body.We have definitely grown from this era of sculptures and have become more detailed.


Venus of Willendorf is also referred to as Woman of Willendorf or Nude Woman. She is a female figurine found in 1908 at Willendorf, Austria. The material, size and portability of the statue indicates that it was not created in Willendorf. The head is missing facial features and only consists of a braid-like pattern. The hands and feet are missing as well. It is thought that she is a fertility figure, known for good luck, and as a mother goddess. I think this is a very interesting figurine. I enjoy the small size and like that it is portable and carried as a symbol of luck.

venus of willendorf

Image result for venus of willendorf

looking at the tiny figurine "Venus of Willendorf" that was made between 25,000-20,000 BC, makes me think that as human being, we might have never changed since our creation, many theories tried to proof that we were taller, bigger, physically different or even monkeys but, looking at this sculpture that represent a symbol of fertility in the image of large breasted women is a proof that the people then and now are the same maybe not in western populations but at least in many other countries.